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How to travel Route 66? From west to east or east to west?

Before making any plans, you need to clarify in which direction you want to cross Route 66.


Route 66 begins in downtown Chicago and ends at the Santa Monica Pier, on the ocean coast in Los Angeles. So most travelers follow the Mother of the Roads as it was originally built, from east to west. However, you will also be running into bikers going in the opposite direction on a daily basis. We have checked many times whether airfares and motorcycle/car rentals are cheaper from west to east, from LA to Chicago. They are not (but you save some money. There is no charge for a second driver in California).

Route 66 free guide download


Al Burton  |   03/09/2021

Great tool for the trip. First full trip on Rt 66 was when I turned 66. What a great trip. Started late September and happened to be in great places at the right time: Oklahoma State fair, New Mexico for the balloon fest, just good times.

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