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Touch Media Announces Partnership to Enhance Route 66 Navigation App

KINGMAN, AZ – August 20, 2020 - Touch Media has announced collaboration with historian and author Jim Hinckley to enhance Route 66 Navigation, the ultimate offline turn by turn app that offers unique functionality and features. Hinckley, author of 19 books including 100 Things to Do on Route 66 Before You Die, Travel Route 66 and The Route 66 Encyclopedia has created descriptions of more than 1,000 points of interest on Route 66 for the app that will be made available over the course of the next two weeks.


With the unique app’s feature, approximately 200 meters before the POI (point of interest) travelers will see a notification on the display to ensure they do not miss attractions or historic sites on Route 66. When the user clicks on the notification, information including description and other information written by Hinckley will appear. This is one example of how the app is transforming the Route 66 experience. 

Marian Pavel of Touch Media, developer of the Route 66 Navigation app and Mother Road Route 66 Passport said, “We are honored that an acclaimed Route 66 author like Jim Hinckley has agreed to work together to ensure Route 66 Navigation is the definitive Route 66 travel guide. Who can present the “must-see” places on the Mother Road better than the author who has been working to promote Route 66 for more than 30 years?” 

Jim Hinckley, creator of the Jim Hinckley’s America travel network, noted that, “As our slogan is Telling People Where to Go Since 1990, it is a distinct pleasure to work with Touch Media and help create a Route 66 travel guide for the modern era.” 

Touch Media headquartered in Bratislava, Slovakia exemplifies the international nature of Route 66. The company has been working tirelessly on the development of projects to enhance tourism on historic Route 66 since 2017 including creation of e-book on Route 66 travel planning made available in eight languages. The innovative navigation application is transforming the way people travel Route 66 by ensuring they discover the people and places that infuse the trip with an infectious excitement. In addition, the app, and Mother Road Route 66 Passport developed as a companion to enhance the travelers experience, serve as promotional vehicles for small businesses, motels, RV parks, museums, and visitor centers.  









About Touch Media

With Route 66 Navigation, Route 66 Passport and Historic66 is Touch Media world’s largest provider of travel assistance on the Route 66.

Touch Media is a corporation with a longlife tradition in the online area as well as digital marketing, new media and development of unique mobile applications. The company is based in Bratislava, Slovakia (European Union).

Touch Media is owned by Jan Svrcek and Marian Pavel.


Dora Meroney  |   08/21/2020

This is great Marian. Separately you and Jim are wonderful as a team I believe y'all will be pnenomenal! Working together you can take Route 66 to new heights and reach the edges of tomorrow! Best of luck on this joint adventure my friends!

Penny B  |   08/20/2020

Marián, this is wonderfully amazing Thanks to you, Ian & Jim Hinckley, Route 66 may be saved.

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