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Closure on Route 66: Closed west ramp from I40 to Seligman

A closure of the west ramp from highway I40 to the historic Route 66 town of Seligman is scheduled from June 2018. The road will be closed for one year, the opening is scheduled for spring 2019.

Seligman is one of the most visited places on Route 66, and the closure of a highway exit could result in a decline of tourists in the coming year, so we encourage all travellers interested in Route 66 to visit the town and have prepared a detailed description of how to get to Seligman during the closure.

If you are travelling in a westerly direction, we suggest you use exit ramp 139 from highway I40 to join old Route 66 / Crookton Road. After visiting Seligman, continue along the old Route 66 via Peach Springs to get to Kingman.

Alternatively, if you decide to continue along the I40 highway to get to Seligman by using exit ramp 123. After visiting Seligman, if you then want to go to Kingman via the I40 highway, make a u-turn at the end of Seligman and return to ramp 123 to re-enter the I40 highway again.

If you are are already on historic Route 66 travelling in an easterly direction from Kingman heading toward Peach Springs, this will bring you into Seligman.

If you only want to use the I40 highway to and from Seligman, as exit ramp 121 will be closed until Spring 2019, you can only exit the I40 from the east at exit ramp 123.  After exiting at ramp 123 you will travel for approximately 1 to 2 miles along old Route 66 until you reach Seligman.  To return to the I40 highway you will need to do a u-turn at the end of Seligman and return to ramp 123 to rejoin the I40.

Route 66 Navigation app navigates travellers only along the historic Route 66 – this closure won’t be a limitation. Download the app here

More info about closure is available at – https://www.azdot.gov/projects/northwest-district-projects/i-40b-west-seligman-bridges

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