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The Cajon Blvd all the way to San Bernardino is fully accessible

Route 66 Navigation Team points to a change when entering San Bernardino in the direction of Victorville and Cajon Junction. You no longer need to use the Barstow Fwy.


For a long time, short section of the Cajon Blvd had been closed, linking Historic Route 66 with the city of San Bernardino under the I15 motorway. Therefore several guides recommended to turn from Cajon Blvd to Kenwood Ave, then go to the I15 ramp and take a risky maneuver through the many lanes on the I215 highway.

This is no longer possible – and we don’t recommend it to you, it is too risky and also in addition, new barriers have been added to the I15 ramp.

Instead, head straight onto the Cajon Blvd, crossing the newly-built junction, comfortably and safely underneath the I15 motorway to city of San Bernardino.

Of course, the new updated route can be found in Route 66 Navigation app.

Ride free!

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